Three simple syllables. Those three s’s make it sibilant, a small reverberation as the tongue forms the s off the palate. One can imagine Thoreau sitting at Walden rolling the word around in his mouth, or Frost on his wall
It shouldn’t surprise me how deeply day to day life can interfere with the creative process. For months I’ve been stuck on the next book, a fictional portrayal of a rather bent near term world while my days have been
Anne and I have been enjoying this most Canadian and international city the past couple of days. Although proudly Francophone, everyone we meet speaks English and, with typical Canadian empathy, switches to it immediately on figuring out our incapacity with
Eva’s Twentieth Yartzeit
Tonight begins the twentieth yartzeit for Eva, marking twenty one years since her death transformed our lives. Yartzeit marks the Hebrew date of her death, the 2nd of Av. Yartzeit is Judaism’s way of remembering the dead, but it is
Turning a Heart of Stone into a Heart of Flesh
This line from Ezekiel 36 was a big theme of my weekend; First I read it in Rabbi Naomi Levy’s “Einstein and the Rabbi,” then it was the Haftorah at services on Saturday morning. I recognize myself in this line;