So Alissa met me at seven pm, after having run around nonstop in the two hours since we had separated, collecting transcripts of her interviews, paying people, lengthening her gift list and still taking care of me. So she was
La Paz
This was a day spent in the city, but at a more relaxed pace. We visited two museums, one at the main cathedral and one called the museum of contemporary art (although it felt more like a gallery. All Bolivian
Isla del Sol
So what you always do when you stay in Copacabana is go to the Isla del Sol. Alissa, in her usual fashion, had another action packed day for us, albeit with a lot of travel overhead–three and a half hours
Lake Titicaca
Last night’s dinner companions, Alissa and Rita After a night of deep, Ambien assisted sleep and breakfast at the hotel I was ready to go at 7:30 this morning for our trip to Copacabana, a resort town on the Bolivian
Welcome to Bolivia!
After 45 minutes of anxiety when my flight was delayed on the ground in SF, I made my connection and arrived in La Paz on schedule at 5:15 this morning after a seven hour flight from Miami. I thought I