Spring means longer days, warmer and drier weather, and lots more bike commuters on the streets of SF. I find many of them squirrely and slow; I’m sure they find me fast and arrogant, especially downhill on the inbound route
Saw the SF Hamilton last night. It was sort of like a Dead show, but past the groupie-ness, it remains a brilliant work of art–musical, dramatic, topical, emotional–vastly deserving of every accolade. I had tears in my eyes a good
Ultimately, its got to be single payer
Its odd to me to see all the hubbub over ACA when ACA itself is not really such a great program. So I’m thinking maybe it would be good idea to let Trumpcare go ahead. If the goal is universal
On Trump’s anti Semitism
Gosh, so the president thinks that maybe Jews are conspiring to desecrate their cemeteries. Y’know, I think I’m going to go down to the cemetery and overturn my daughter’s gravestone along with all of the others of people I knew
Lab Girl, by Hope Jahren
I listened to this book. In Lab Girl, Hope Jahren alternately recounts the life choices that led her to science, and her love of science itself. She is one of the first women to have success in in her field,