Yesterday was the fifth Alliance for Girls conference. Largest attendance, best venue, more girls, more precise presentations. Great, devoted work byEmma and Kailin. I continue to be amazed at the vibrancy of these gatherings. There is a unified vision and
Othering and Belonging
Last week, I attended a conference with this name. While there was the inevitable “othering” of Trump and his supporters doing the conference, The four women who appeared at the end of it delivered a powerful message about the experience
New Publication: Patient Philanthropy
I’ve had a piece on the Eva Foundation’s work in nurturing Alliance fro Girls published in the NonProfit Quarterly. In it, I make the case that small foundations can have an outsize impact by becoming trusted members of the community
100 days of Trump
Most days, its like watching a slow-motion video of a fog-caused hundred car pile-up on a Central Valley freeway. I just can’t believe the guy is really that uncouth. Yet I confess to mixed feelings about watching him learn the
RawDance Concept Series 20
I attended Rawdance Sf‘s Concept series 20 last night. When this program works the best the dancers present the kernels of their new work, the essential idea of a dance in development. While some of last night’s pieces were more