After five years of careful building, Alliance for Girls has become an independent agency! AFG’s mission is to ensure that girl-serving organizations are more connected, more effective and better able to prepare the girls of today to be the leaders,
New Publication: Grief’s Cradle
My essay “Grief’s Cradle,” first published in the Adelaide Literary Journal, has been republished in Grief Digest. “Grief’s Cradle” is my ‘theory of grief,” if you will, with thoughts from Joan Didion, Elisabeth Kubler Ross and CS Lewis interspersed with
Bike Commuting Wisdom
I’ve been riding my bike in the City for over 25 years. When I started, urban cyclists were weirdos. The streets had just a bit of 1970’s legacy infrastructure. To be safe on the road, you acted like a car,
On Being Jewish
I was with a friend recently who was about to shop for 11 people for Rosh Hashanah dinner. “Are you going to Shul?” I asked. “Oh no,” he said, “I’m an atheist. I don’t believe in that stuff. The Chosen People?
Mark Sees the Eclipse
As a child, I was a space buff. Mike Mars, John Carter, Kimball Kinnison–these characters and the writers behind them fueled my imagination, and that drove me to non-fiction to find out what was really going on out there. So