The Crack Between the Worlds: A Dancer’s Memoir of Loss and Faith by Maggie Kast My rating: 3 of 5 stars Intrigued by the title, I came to this book through the combination of my own bereaved parenthood, spiritual engagement,
Living with Half My Back
I’ve discovered, in my journey with stenosis, that I take my back for granted. This seems to me an absurd thing to say given the large number of episodes of spasm and soreness and stiffness I’ve had over the past
Less by Andrew Sean Greer My rating: 3 of 5 stars Arthur Less is a man with whom I can empathize, if not necessarily identify. A commitment to a self-abnegating vision of everything that happens to him sets him off
Three simple syllables. Those three s’s make it sibilant, a small reverberation as the tongue forms the s off the palate. One can imagine Thoreau sitting at Walden rolling the word around in his mouth, or Frost on his wall
It shouldn’t surprise me how deeply day to day life can interfere with the creative process. For months I’ve been stuck on the next book, a fictional portrayal of a rather bent near term world while my days have been